There is never a perfect job or a perfect candidate, but there is the right job for the right candidate. Let us help connect you to, and retain, the right candidate.
United Recruiting is committed to our client’s success, therefore our team of talented healthcare search executives will lead the search from the introduction of our candidate through the retention of your employee. All searches are performed by the partners that conduct the initial client meeting. This ensures our clients receive the most personalized attention and the most qualified candidates available.
We aim to not just be your recruiting partner, but also your thought partner, in your effort to achieve a more successful recruitment and retention program. Our clients benefit from having a thought partner to navigate through the complex process of introducing a candidate into a new system and transitioning them to succeed in their new role. The success of our approach is best measured through the high retention rate of our candidates by our clients.
The success of our candidate retention is the reason why United Recruiting Solutions has exclusive contracts with the top hospitals and insurance companies in the nation.